Month: March 2021

  • What to Do If You’ve Been Injured in a Car Accident

    What to Do If You’ve Been Injured in a Car Accident

    It can be a stressful experience when you’ve been injured in an accident. The best thing you can do is stay calm as it will help you think through the next steps to be taken. You’ll also want to be fully compensated for the pain and suffering you’ve had to go through as a result…

  • Why Kids Should Use Helmets To Prevent Personal Injuries

    Why Kids Should Use Helmets To Prevent Personal Injuries

    According to statistics, bicycle injuries are responsible for emergency room visits among kids between the ages of 5-14 more than any other sport. To make it worse, the injuries sustained from bike accidents are among the leading causes of injury-related death among children. There is no guarantee of protecting your children against bike injuries but…

  • Electric Scooters and Personal Injury Lawsuits

    Electric Scooters and Personal Injury Lawsuits

    In the last three years or so, electric scooters have become popular, competing for the sidewalk with pedestrians. To some, the scooters are a nuance, to others, a life-saver. Regardless of your stand, the last thing you’d want to go through is to be injured as a result of someone else’s carelessness. When you find…

  • Safety Tips For Kids Cycling on the Sidewalk to Bypass Personal injuries

    Safety Tips For Kids Cycling on the Sidewalk to Bypass Personal injuries

    For an experienced cyclist, the streets could be seen as the safest place to go riding. It’s easy to observe and follow the flow of traffic. If you have kids, riding on the streets might not be the best solution given the many risks that come with it. You might find yourself having to look…

  • Why Do I Need an Injury Claim Journal?

    Why Do I Need an Injury Claim Journal?

    An injury claim can last from a few months to a year or longer. Walking in and out of court can make you forget the crucial notes of your case. Keeping a journal ensures that you document every detail of your case, including your feelings, thoughts, and other issues that might arise throughout the difficult…

  • How Sidewalks Can Help Prevent Personal Injury To Kids

    How Sidewalks Can Help Prevent Personal Injury To Kids

    For an experienced cyclist, the streets can be seen as a safe place to ride a bike but that will not be the same for your kids. According to statistics, 3 out of 4 children ride a bicycle every month but the number of injuries has been going up which is unfortunate. As a parent,…