Do I need a Car Accident Lawyer when at Fault Party Can’t Pay?
Car accidents are common occurrences that happen to the best of us. The fact is, car accidents happen all too often for a variety of reasons- some as innocent as not paying attention on the road and others due to more malicious intent. Regardless of how your accident occurred, it’s important to know what steps you can take afterwards- especially if the other party is at fault but doesn’t have money or insurance coverage. For this reason, we’ve compiled a list of things you should look into when in this situation.
What kind of lawyer do I need when I’m at fault in a car accident?
If you have an auto insurance policy, it’s important that the company is obligated to defend you as part of your coverage. They will only do this up to liability limit(s) on your policies though so if there are any damages exceeding these limits then they might not be able or willing enough to cover them for you which means a third party could come after YOU! This is where hiring a lawyer can help because he would know how much and what type of risks represent threats in specific situations – like when dented someone else’s car but did not cause major damage.
What if the at fault party doesn’t have enough insurance to pay my claim?
If the at fault party has $10,000 in liability coverage and your claim exceeds that amount you have a few options. You could try to find out if they were carrying uninsured or under insured motorist insurance for their vehicle because this will cover any claims over what is covered by them but generally it’s very hard to know one way or another so we recommend always having an UIM policy on yourself- even if someone else caused the accident. If not: when was last time you looked into buying personal injury protection (PIP) coverage? It provides no less than $25K of medical expenses after paying up from whatever other health care benefits are available which can be more helpful then just trying to sue somebody who might not have much money themselves.
What happens if the at fault party doesn’t have enough insurance to pay?
One of the most common mistakes people make is failing to purchase auto liability insurance. If you find yourself without this coverage, and get into an accident that was your fault, then not only can you be fined but also have your license suspended and vehicle impounded!
What happens if the other insurance company refuses to pay?
If your insurance company is reluctant to pay you, get a lawyer. You have been in an accident and the other driver’s insurer has denied responsibility or refused payment for damages on their end. If that happens, then it may be time to contact a lawyer before taking matters into your own hands. Insurance companies don’t always act quickly when dealing with claims but they will eventually settle them if this becomes necessary so make sure not to wait too long!
Should I get a lawyer for an accident that was my fault?
If you have been in a car accident and it was your fault, hiring an attorney who specializes is key to decreasing the likelihood of another party taking action against you. This will help protect your interests as well as those around you from any legal repercussions that may arise after an incident such as this one.
What happens if I have liability insurance and someone hits me?
Do you have collision insurance on your car? Liability coverage does not pay for the damages to a driver’s vehicle in an accident. If you do, then with your deductible, it will cover any damage done by another driver while paying out up to 10% of repairs and/or replacement costs depending if they are comprehensive or collision types. Do liability insurance policies typically include coverage when someone else hits me?
Can I be sued after insurance settlement?
If you’ve agreed to a settlement with the insurance company and then want to file suit against them, be aware that it’s not just a simple process. After hearing your lawsuit, the defendant will inform the judge of how they settled their dispute. The judge may throw your case out if there was an agreement between both parties beforehand in order for any court proceedings to take place at all!